
MovieNovelizations.com is the biggest and best source for collecting, searching and learning more about movie novelizations and movie tie-ins. You’ll find hundreds of movie novelization books in our database, and many more to come as we build out our collection. (Let us know if you’re interested in learning how you can contribute! Email us at movienovelizations.com@gmail.com)

Our goal is to make this site the best resource for fans and collectors of movie novelizations. Whether you’re just getting started, or are looking for that elusive “white whale” book that will complete your collection, you’ll find what you need on this site, or links to resources that will point you in the right direction.

What are movie novelizations? You’ll find the answer to that question and many more in our FAQ.

Who We Are

This site is run by Shawn and Jaime, a husband and wife team who are avid collectors of movie novelizations (and fans of movies in general). Between our personal collection of books, and books contributed by our friends, we’ve built a searchable database that everyone can browse and contribute to.